sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014


5 de Septiembre de 2014

Después de un merecido descanso, salimos de Newark Academy a las 8 de la mañana rumbo a Nueva York. La primera parada fue para ver el fantástico "Skyline" desde la orilla de New Jersey, donde aprovechamos para sacar unas fotos con las mejores vistas de NY. A continuación cogimos el ferry para visitar Ellis Island, en donde aprendimos parte de la historia de este país: cómo la gente soñaba con el nuevo mundo, símbolo de libertad y oportunidades, y se embarcaba rumbo a las américas para empezar una nueva vida. Al llegar, eran recluídos en esta isla para pasar el denominado "período de cuarentena".

Después de esta interesante visita, nos dirigimos a Liberty Island para fotografiar uno de los más importantes "landmarks" del mundo: la Estatua de la Libertad.

Nuestra tercera parada fue Battery Park, una apresurada visita a la famosa calle de Wall Street y por último, la Zona Cero y Memorial Museum, en recuerdo de todas las personas desaparecidas el fatídico 11 S.

Monumento en memoria de los desaparecidos el 11S
Parte de la estructura del World Trade Center
Listado de los desaparecidos
New York skyline

En el ferry hacia Liberty Park
Edificio principal de Ellis Island
Sala de espera de los inmigrantes (1ª planta)
Reportaje gráfico de los recién llegados al Nuevo Mundo
Liberty Island
Statue of Liberty

Antorcha original de la estatua


Skyline unas horas más tardes
Charging Bull

Broadway Street

Trinity Church (la más antigua de New York)

Ground Zero

Memorial at Ground Zero donde estaban las Torres Gemelas

Pero el día no terminó todavía y, al llegar al colegio, nos esperaba la ansiaba BBQ (barbacoa) que todos los años celebran los alumnos de Newark Academy el primer viernes de curso para recordar a los "senior" que están en su último año en el centro. Algunos/as alumnos/as de nuestro centro se unieron a la fiesta.

SECOND DAY: Friday, September 5th, 2014
I woke up at 7:00 o´clock and I wore a t-shirt and shorts. At 8 o´clock I arrived at school and I saw my Spanish friends. I needed it!! At 9 o´clock I went to New York with my friends. We went on a bus and we went to the Jersey coast where we could see the skyline. After that, we got on a boat and we went to Ellis Island and visited a big museum and I liked it.
Then, we went to the Statue of Liberty and took many pictures there. It´s very beautiful and very big. We saw the torch and went upstairs up to the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty where we could see a great view of the city.
When we finished, we went to Battery Park, which was very crowded, and went past the Charging Bull, Wall Street, Trinity Church and many more interesting places.
Everybody runs in New York and there are people from a lot of different countries.
At 2 o´clock we went to the Memorial and we saw a video and I liked it. At 4 o´clock we returned to Newark Academy and we went to the BBQ and could see a football match. At 9 o´clock I arrived home with my family and I had chicken for dinner. After dinner we watched Tarzan.
Sara Cal

I got  up very early but neverless I did it  without any effort. I got dressed and prepared all the stuff forthe outing and  then I went downstairs to have breakfast. Mrs Black was preparing the food I had to take to New York. After that Mrs Black took us to school, where I met my friends. I was very excited to visit New York. First, we took a ferry to Ellis Island. There we  saw the museum. The first floor was a little bit boring but I loved the second floor. Then we went to the island where the Statue of Liberty is. This island was fantastic and beautiful, but it was very hot. To climb tha stairs to go to the pedestal of the Statue we had to split into two groups. The Statue of Liberty is amazing and very big. We hopped again on the ferry that took us to Battery Park, a beautiful park near the harbour. Then we went to Wall Street and we took a picture with the bull. And finally we went to the Zone 0 and we saw the Memorial. When we returned to Newark Academy, we went to a barbecue and we saw how the seniors were stained with chocolate. After that Aislin's dad came and picked up Aislin, Zach and me and we went to the cinema. The title of the film is "If I stay". It's very sad. American cinemas are very different from Spanish cinemas.
When we arrived home, I went to bed.

Antía Herrero

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