jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

THE THIRD VISIT TO NEW YORK: Museum of Natural History and Top of the Rock

10 de Septiembre de 2014

Como cada mañana, nos reunimos en el hall de Newark Academy para iniciar nuestro tercer viaje a Nueva York. Hoy Miércoles nos tocaba visitar el Museo de Historia Natural y uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de NYC: el rascacielos General Electric, situado en la zona denominada Rockefeller Centre, desde donde pudimos disfrutar de una de las vistas más impresionantes del Central Park. Pero no sin antes pasear un poco por Central Park y visitar el memorial en honor a John Lennon de Strawberry Fields (Central Park).

Central Park

Central Park: Memorial en Strawberry Fields

Central Park

Museo de Historia Natural

Museo de Historia Natural

Museo de Historia Natural

El mirador Top of the Rock

Top of the Rock

Top of the Rock and Central Park

Central Park desde Top of the Rock
SEVENTH DAY: Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
I woke up at quarter to seven. I had a shower and made my bed. Then I had breakfast: cereal and chocolate milk. Then Steve took us to school by car. They went to their classrooms and Antía and I with the rest of the group. At about quarter past eight we went towards New York by bus. The first thing we visited was the  Imagine mosaic located in Strawberry Fields to pay tribute to John Lennon, who was murdered near the park, just in front of the gate of Dakota Building. We took some photos and then we went to the Museum of Natural History, where the movie "Night at the Museum" was filmed. The first thing I saw with María and Aldara was an enormous dinosaur. It was the animal which pursued the main character. Then we tried to find other things that appeared in the movie, but we only found some of them. It was an amazing visit! I loved it! What I liked most was to feel as if I were in the movie!
After that we were walking up to the Top of the Rock Building, a high skyscraper from where you can see the city so well. We didn't queue because Maite had already booked the tickets and we were a group. First of all we took some photos like the famous workers on the beam. It was so funny!
When we were on the top, we took a lot of photos because the views were incredible. It was like flying above New York!
The elevator of the skyscraper was so fast! We went up and down 67 floors in 67 seconds.
Later we didn't have time to eat, so we had lunch on the bus.
When we arrived at Newark Academy, John's mum and Sam and Ben's mum were waiting for us and they picked us up and then dropped us off at John's house. When we arrived, we went to the swimming-pool and we ate a lot of popcorn. We were so hungry! We also dived into the pool from a springboard and at about six o'clock John's father picked us up to have dinner. We went there in two different cars because we were seven people. The dinner was fantastic, as always! I ate a Caesar salad and "Guacamole". When we finished, John's father explained to us all the history of Minostown, the place where we had dinner. Then, we went to an ice-cream saloon and I ate a delicious ice-cream. At about eight Steve took Antía and me home. It was a great day!
María Lago


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