sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

THE FOURTH VISIT TO NEW YORK: Chelsea Market and The High Line

12 de Septiembre de 2014

Último día de la semana!!!! Esta vez nos tocó visitar un precioso jardín en las alturas, llamado "High Line", situado en una antigua vía elevada del tren.



A continuación, visitamos uno de los mercados más emblemáticos de la ciudad por estar situado en la antigua fábrica de galletas Nabisco, rehabilitada a principio del s.XXI. Allí degustamos una gran variedad de productos típicos, como sopas, pan, sushi, galletas, brownie, etc. Dentro del mercado pudimos encontrar tiendas de todo tipo, pero lo que más nos llamó la atención fue una pescadería enorme en la que se vendía todo tipo de pescado: rape, atún, salmón, pulpo, gambas, langosta, dorada, lubina, etc todo limpio y fileteado ya para el consumo.

Chelsea Market

Chelsea Market

Chelsea Market

Chelsea Market

Panadería en Chelsea Market

Tiendas de Chelsea Market

Pescadería en Chelsea Market

Cupcakes in the Chelsea Market

NINTH DAY: Friday, September 12th, 2014

I woke up at 6;30 am and I met the rest of the group at 8 o´clck at NA, as always. We went to New York City. It was a great day.
We walked along the High-Line and it was very beautiful. A lot of movies and TV series were filmed there. I loved this place. I would like to walk more around this place.
After that, we went to Chelsea Market, it was great!!!!! There were a lot of amazing shops and Maite bought us a lot of food like sushi, cupcakes, cookies... I didn´t buy anything for me, I just bought a T-shirt for my father.
After that, we were going to China Town, but we couldn´t because it was Saint Genaro and the streets were packed with people. I would love to go there! So, we went to Washington Square and we took some photos.
We arrived al NA at 3:15. Antía, María Lago and I were waiting for Sam and Ben´s father until 5 o´clock. Then he took us and we went to Sam´s house because we had to get ready for the concert. We changed our clothes and they rented a little bus to take all the guys to the concert.
we went to a concert!!! It was amazing. Enrique Iglesias sang a lot of songs in Spanish. Pitbull was there too and we danced and sang a lot. It was a great night!!!!!
Clara Miñán

Concierto de Enrique Iglesias

Concierto de Enrique Iglesias

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