martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014


6 y 7 de Septiembre de 2014

Primer fin de semana en EE.UU.
Cada uno de los chicos realizó multitud de actividades con sus respectivas familias: ir a un parque de atracciones cerca de New Jersey, pasear por el centro de Nueva York,  fiestas en las piscinas,...

THIRD DAY: Saturday, September 6th, 2014

I woke up at 8:00 am and I spoke to my parents for one hour. At 9:30 am I had breakfast. I ate orange juice, milk, watermelon and two pancakes.
After that, I went  to my bedroom and I wrote in my notebook all things I did yesterday. I had a shower, and I went shopping with one of John´s friends.
We went to "The Cheesecake Factory" to have lunch. I ate a little pizza which was very good. We went to a mall and I bought jeans and a polo for a friend.
After that we went home in John´s father´s car. When we arrived home, Andrea and I went to the pool while John was studying.
At 7:00 pm I went to Ben and Sam´s house with John, Andrea and John´s parents. We went to have dinner in New York with Ben and Sam´s parents, Ben, Sam, María, Antía, María, Sarah´s mother, Sarah and Clara.
We had dinner at a Thai restaurant. We ate many food and then, we went to a restaurant of chocolate and we had the dessert. We ate a lot of chocolate.
Later, we went to Times Square where I could see the lights on the buildings. It was fun!!!
At 2:00 am I arrived home and I put my pajamas on and I went to bed.
Lara Martínez
Times Square

Times Square

Times Square

Un postre típico hecho de chocolate: marshmallows

Times Square

Restaurante de postres: s´more


I woke up at 10:00 am to go to a Broadway show, Aladdin. Mister Hoffman bought some "bagels", because it´s a typical thing from NY. He bought the spicy ones and the sweet ones, and I think there is another type. I tried the spicy one with philadelphia, and it was delicious. When we finished breakfast, we got dressed to go to the theater.
Before going into the theater, we went through a couple of stores, like M&M, Hershey´s, Disney Store,...
At 2:00 pm the show started and, it was amazing!. The actor I liked the most was the one that played the genie, he was so funny. I liked the one that played Aladdin, too.
I loved Times Square as well, it is full of weird people and lights.
After the show, we went to have dinner to a really nice place called "Café un troix deus". It was French, obviously. I ate a vegetarian crepe and it was really good. Then we came home and I started to write my journal.
Sara Ríos

FOURTH DAY: Sunday, September 7th, 2014

Today was one of the best days ever!!!
We woke up at 8:00 and we went to Six Flags Great Adventure. There, we went on a safari and we saw all types of animals. We saw elephants, lions, tigers, zebras, bears... And we fed a giraffe! It was so exciting and awesome. It was one of my best days ever.
Later, we went to the theme park. I don't like heights, I suffer from vertigo but I rode the  "greenlantern" roller coaster and it was really funny. Later, we were in other places at Six Flags and 8 hours later, we returned home.
I helped Mia with her Spanish homework about Jorge Luis Borges and after that I went to sleep because I was really tired.

Iria Laura Garrido

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