martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

THE SECOND VISIT TO NYC: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, and so on

8 de Septiembre de 2014

Tras un fin de semana con innumerables actividades, comienza nuestra segunda semana aquí, con multitud de planes y muchísimos sitios que visitar.
Ayer, Lunes, volvimos a Nueva York. En primer lugar visitamos el Metropolitan Museum of Art, donde pudimos apreciar la grandiosidad de distintos imperios peninsulares como Grecia, Roma, Egipto, etc... A continuación, paseamos por Central Park y acabamos en la tienda de Apple.
Fue un día muy intenso pero a la vez especial y gratificante. 

Metropolitan Museum

Metropolitan Museum

Interior del Metropolitan Museum

Central Park

 The Zoo (Central Park)
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park
5th Avenue

Central Park

Memorial por el 11 S
FIFTH DAY: Monday, September 8th , 2014
We went to New York City for the second time and, I have to say that I love it. First, we went to the Metropolitan Museum. It's very big and amazing. I love the Egyptian art, Greek and Roman art and all the musical instruments you can see there.
I felt bad because I couldn't see the whole museum.
On the second and third floor, where you can see the 19th and 20th Century European Paintings and Sculpture, I had to choose the picture which struck me most. I chose this picture:
Title: The Grape Harvest (1884)
Artist: León-Augustin Lhermitte
Technique: Oil on canvas 
In the picture I can see four people (peasants): two girls, one of them pregnant, one man and a child.
One of the women and the man are picking grapes and the other woman is speaking to a child while he is eating grapes.
I love this picture because I think it's a very natural scene and it reminds me of Spain.
Later, we went to Central Park and we had lunch there. I ate a tasty sandwich of turkey and cheese, coke, pear, ...
I had lunch with María and at lunch time we came across a Statue of Alice in Wonderland. I have read the book and seen the film and I like them both.
Then we went to the 5th Avenue, where there are some expensive shops, such as: Cartier, Tiffany's, Gucci, .... I love it!
At four ´'clock I saw a soccer match at NA. I liked the day!
Aldara García

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